
This book is a treasure trove, and can be read with interest and delight on so many levels. The fables themselves stand alone as witty and perceptive comments on both animal and human life; the illustrations are a pleasure in themselves, and then there is the added bonus, should you wish, of the academic link to human behaviour and neuropsychology. All perfectly blended together – a real treat.
Diana Cant, psychotherapist

I think Old Bunyard has probably created not only a bestseller, but also a classic. Like him, I also read Aesop as a child, and La Fontaine when he did. I do not remember being particularly amused, but some of Old Bunyard’s stories had me laughing out loud. So he has not only added science, but humour as well. I could go on with the praise, but suffice it to say that I shall be purchasing at least ten copies and absolutely requiring our children and grandchildren to read them.
Keith Lunn, translator

I love fables and here they are wrapped up in a winning combination of story, entertaining rhyme and charming illustrations. The ‘morals’ are simply expressed and are all everyday issues and dilemmas which a thoughtful person will instantly recognise. Great to be able to flesh out one’s knowledge on those of particular interest. A novel idea which would also be a marvellous springboard for thoughtful conversations with children.
Christine King, consumer researcher

What an excellent find!! My daughter and I love to exchange nuggets of wisdom we spot in the media or a library book – especially if it is wrapped in a profound statement. This book is full of them! And, what is more, there are references where the meanings can be explored further. Great stuff.
Sylvia Lichfield, management consultant

Loved it. Bought it for my children to read at night, then realised that there is more to each story, with an appendix offering more insight to each fable. Very clever stuff, genuinely loved each short story. Perfect for both adults and children.
Daniel Bateman, dental surgeon

An entertaining and informative book which would beguile Aesop himself. Dipping into the references provides more serious insights, but the book can be read purely for the enjoyment of the quirks of human nature.
Gordon Monaghan, retired defence analyst

This book arrived last week and has already supplanted the neuro-newspapers in the toilet to take pride of contemplative place. What a wonderful idea – and what a reading list. Fabulous.
Francis McGlone, professor of cognitive neuroscience
